Managing Files & Directory kali Linux Command

Managing Files & Directory on Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommand
Show Current Directorypwd
Change Directorycd
Return one step from Directorycd ..
Create a text file with writing >"Type File Name, press Enter then write anything you want then press control D"
Create Folder Directorymkdir ''Type Folder Name"
Copy folder/file to another directorycp "Type Copy File or Folder Name" "Type Target Folder Name"
Move file to another directormv "Moving File Name" "Target Folder Name"
Remove/Delete Filerm "Type File Name"
Remove Hole Folderrm -r "Type Folder Name"
List file/folder of directoryls
List all of the folder listls -R
List of all file/folder & permissionls -l
Setup Users Account & Group
Uses of CommandsCommand
Move to Root Usersudo su
Create Usersudo useradd "type username"
View Total User list (See last line)sudo cat /etc/passwd
Set password on User Accountsudo passwd "Type Username"
Create Group for User Accountsudo groupadd "Type Group Name"
Add User on a Groupsudo usermod -a -G "Type Group Name" "Type User Account Name"
Delete User Accountsudo userdel "Type User Account Name"
Delete User Account Groupsudo groupdel "Type Group Name"
0– – -0+0+0
1– – x0+0+1
2– w –0+2+0
3– w x0+2+1
4r – –4+0+0
5r – x4+0+1
6r w –4+2+0
7r w x4+2+1
Using Grep, Pipe & Sorting of Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommand
Managing Processes & Task of Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommand
End of processing task of terminalControl+Z
Show task manger on terminaltop
Show User Task Manager on terminalps ux
SSH, FTP, TELNET Networking Command on Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommand
Secure ShellSSH
Listing of all protocol of SSHssh -h
Networking Command
Uses of CommandsCommand
Check Network Replyping "URL/IP address"
Check IP Address & Network interfaceifconfig
Assign IP Address Manuallysudo ifconfig "interface Name" "IP Address"
Assign Netmask Manuallysudo ifconfig "Interface Name" netmask "Write Netmask"
Assign Broadcast Address Manuallysudo ifconfig "Interface Name" broadcast "Write Broadcast Address"
Enumerate Users & System Info of Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommands
Check Usernamewhoami
Check Id detailsid
Check Hostnamehostname
Change Hostnamesudo nano /etc/hostname
Check Kali Linux Versionuname -a
Check Kali Linux Version Full Detailshostnamectl
Install Software/Tools on Kali Linux
Uses of CommandsCommands
Install Software/Tools on Kali Linuxsudo apt install "Tools/Software Name Ex vlc"
Search Installed Software/Tools Detailssudo apt search "Tools/Software Name Ex vlc"
View Command Architecture"Tools/Software Name Ex nmap" --help
User Manual of Software/Toolsman "Tools/Software Name Ex nmap"
Software/Tools Using Purposewhatis "Tools/Software Name Ex nmap"

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